Written by guest blogger Seamus McChuggsalot (AKA my brother), who is much funnier than I am.
Isn't this an interesting photo of the Bear storm bearing down on "Miami"? I use the quotations because, of course, that's Hurricane Katrina, and the city in the crosshairs, of course, is New Orleans. I'm still not sure if I should be completely insulted, or just chalk it up as being the antics from yet another ignorant Bears fan. I won't even comment on the people that are spreading it around faster than you can use the words "Rex Grossman" and "dipshit" in a sentence... (Tara's note: this forward was received from our mother. The will should be rewritten to compensate for this insult.)
It's just that whenever I see anything with Miami - I'm sorry - New Orleans, I am reminded about all the money we aren't spending there to fix anything, so this wasn't a totally random series of thoughts. Let's just say that Ray Nagin's "it's been 5 years up in NYC and they have nothing to complain about - all they have to clean up is a hole in the ground" comment wasn't that far off.
Seriously, if they took the time to superimpose the Bears logo inside there, how much time would it have taken to at least find a storm that a) wasn't the most devastating natural disaster in our nation's history or b) was at least aimed at the right effin state, or c) move the crosshairs off New Orleans???? I'm sorry, but Bears fans are all a bunch of morons...
That is all.